Monday 29 November 2010

Codes and Conventions of Psychological Horror

Some of the main codes and conventions that you will see in any psychological horror film are as follows:
When watching a Psychological horror film, the weapons you tend to see are not actual physical weapons, but tend to be more supernatural and psychological. For example, the killer’s twisted minds act a weapon of fear against the victims in the film. Also, in Supernatural horror films things such as visions, jumpy moments and so on are used as weapons of fear, supernaturally, rather than actually possessing a knife, or axe for example.
Some of the main settings you will see time and time again when watching a Psychological horror film are big houses, forest/ woodland areas, ware houses, schools, and hospitals and so on. These types of settings create realism for the target audience as they are able to relate to the film on some level, having seen/ been or currently live in these settings. This increases the fear for the audiences are they begin to picture themselves in these positions.
Quite often, when watching a psychological horror film, there are flashbacks that take the audience back to see why the killer is disturbed and to explain what happened to them in their lives that has lead them to become mentally challenged.
We also may see shadows/ silhouettes which UN nerve and terrify the audiences.
Common sounds/ music that we hear when watching a Psychological Horror film are; Contrapuntal Sound- this is sound that doesn’t match the action that is on screen. E.g. at the end of the ‘Orphan’ film trailer, before the sting...

This contradicts the action taking place on screen and adds to the paranormal fears of the film.
Psychological horror films use eerie music, like other sub genres to build tension and to create suspense.
A disturbed, or tormented individual is the main antagonist, usually comes back to get revenge on their victims. The victims can differ but like any horror film, a high percentage of the victims are female. The uses of children as the killers are also very popular. E.g. the Orphan, the Omen...
When psychological horror films use children as the killer, again, the victims tend to be female. This could have something to do with the fact that mothers are maternal and the female audiences watching will be able to relate to the character in some way.


General Conventions:
This type of horror tends to be more subtle, meaning there is less physical harm and bloody gore visible to the viewers.
Psychological horrors create discomfort in the viewer by exposing common or universal psychological vulnerabilities and fears.
They expose the evil that hides behind normality, but with splashes of the paranormal which the audience is unable to relate to completely. (This relates to the idea of why people enjoy horror films which is because they thrive on the excitement of being scared, yet in a controlled setting).
Some say that this sub genre should not be linked to horror, because it relates more the thriller genre, but in psychological horror one of the main purposes of the film is to frighten the audience mentally, whereas this is not the case in thrillers.